5 Supernatural Boyfriends That You’re Guaranteed to Fall in Love With

Maddie Ehrenreich
July 1 2019
Share 5 Supernatural Boyfriends That You’re Guaranteed to Fall in Love With

I love a good supernatural romance. I mean, don’t get me wrong: I love my very human, very mortal boyfriend too, but he can’t run up the top of a mountain in the blink of an eye or sprout wings and soar through the skies. (At least, not that I know of.) Contemporary romances are cute and relatable, but sometimes you need a love story with a little more…well, magic. Especially if you find fangs or talons or glowing eyes or wings intriguing. So here is a list of the supernatural boyfriends I wish I could date.

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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