4 Nonfiction Titles You Have to Pick Up This December!

Get Literary
December 6 2018
Share 4 Nonfiction Titles You Have to Pick Up This December!

While the Get Lit squad loves its fiction (seriously, we can’t put down our December fiction picks!), we like to make sure we switch it up every now and then, and get some of that real-life inspo in our TBR. This month brings us everything from hilarious (and super relatable) commentary about life as a hijabi woman, and portraits of trailblazing female athletes—who we must commit to remembering as a society—to a book about how pirates have a thing or two (or hundred) to teach modern peeps, and a new memoir from our favorite hugely talented stuntman Jackie Chan! Get reading, children, and as always, hit us up on the social media to tell us what you’re loving: Facebook (@GetLiterary), Twitter (@get_literary), and Instagram (@get.lit.erary)!

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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