We’re Thankful for New Fiction in November!

Get Literary
November 9 2018
Share We’re Thankful for New Fiction in November!

While we hope you take the time to be thankful for all the good things in life all year round—November is an especially good time to give thanks. And this month, we’re thankful for new fiction! From historical fiction, family epics, and mystery and suspense, to fantasy, a NEW book from George R. R. Martin (though not the one we’ve been waiting for, George, cough cough), and more, there’s a lot to choose from this month.

Are you planning to pick up any of these books? Have you had one of these reads on your TBR for months already? Give us a shout on Facebook (@GetLiterary), Twitter (@get_literary), or Instagram (@get.lit.erary) and let us know which of these books you’re loving!

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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