2019 Bookish Resolution to Read More Owned Voices

January 21 2019
Share 2019 Bookish Resolution to Read More Owned Voices

With so many books being published every year it’s hard to decide which ones to pick up next. I read over 50 books last year and this year my goal is to read 60. In addition to reading this many books, I have a secondary mission. In 2019, my reading resolution is to read more books written by people of color. I read a handful of these stories last year, and I greatly enjoyed spending time with diverse characters from authors who could write the stories based on their own experiences and voices: the complexities of racial inequalities, the fear of not fitting in among their peers, and the cultural differences they navigate.

Below are some books I’ve read and others that I’m eager to read this year. If your resolution is also to read more owned voices, I hope you join me in exploring these stories.

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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